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Int 62 Fn 0093  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_setmode" - Select Video Mode And  [V]

   AX = 0093h
   BX = new video mode or FFFFh for current mode
   ES:DX -> WORD ???

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was "FG_SUSPEND" (see AX=00A0h);
     "FG_SETMODE" was AX=0001h
   This call resets the active video page to page 0000h, the clipping
     region to the entire screen, text rows to 25, etc.

See Also: AX=003Fh,INT 10/AH=00h

Values for video mode:
 00h-07h standard BIOS modes
 09h   PCjr/Tandy1000 320x200x16
 0Bh   Hercules graphics 720x348
 0Ch   Hercules graphics 320x200
 0Dh-13h standard BIOS modes
 14h   VGA graphics 320x200x256
 15h   VGA graphics 320x400x256
 16h   VGA graphics 320x240x256
 17h   VGA graphics 320x480x256
 18h   SVGA graphics 640x400x256
 19h   SVGA graphics 640x480x256
 1Ah   SVGA graphics 800x600x256
 1Bh   SVGA graphics 1024x768x256
 1Ch   SVGA graphics 800x600x16
 1Dh   SVGA graphics 1024x768x16

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